The monthly site traffic feature is sometimes called info transfer or bandwidth as well, however all of the aforementioned terms refer to the same thing - what amount of content can be transferred to and from a cloud web hosting account. The website traffic can be generated in just two ways, the more apparent one being web site visits. When somebody goes to your website, their browser requests and downloads the webpages from your hosting server and then shows them on their end. The more website visitors you have, the more outbound traffic is generated from your website hosting account. Because this particular feature includes the entire site traffic, not only the website visits, you should not forget that inward traffic is counted as well. Which means that website content and various other files that you upload to the account through a file manager or an FTP application are counted towards the account quota. Your transfer is usually monitored on a monthly basis and the counter resets on the very first day of each month regardless of your actual date of signup.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Web Hosting

All our cloud web hosting are designed with the idea to take care of the site traffic produced by any type of web site that can exist in such an account. If you currently have one or multiple small-scale or medium-sized web sites, you will not be limited by the monthly site traffic allowance whatever the content you may have - plain text and / or plenty of images, for example. The stats in the hosting Control Panel will give you in-depth information about the traffic generated by every single website along with the amount for the account as a whole. The statistics are updated in real time and indicate both the everyday and the monthly usage, so you'll know how much info is transferred to and from the hosting account at any time. The first day of each month the counter is reset, but you'll be able to see the traffic stats for the past months, that will inform you on how your websites perform.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The monthly site traffic feature of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting services is limitless, or as various companies advertise it, unmetered. Certainly, we keep track of the volume of uploaded and downloaded content for each and every account, yet we won't ever set a limit, which means that your websites can grow and get more site visitors. We only supply you with detailed information what's going on in your account so as to allow you to manage your sites more efficiently and to be informed on how they function. You are able to see the traffic generated by every single web site along with the most frequently downloaded webpage or file. The stats are hourly, daily and monthly. In a continually developing worldwide web world, you're able to receive very many new website visitors with just a single advertising campaign, so by providing a truly unlimited package, we'll make sure that you do not lose clients for the reason that your account can't handle the traffic.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Web Hosting

The monthly traffic allowance for our VPS web hosting is proportionate to the rest of the server’s system resources. When you aquire a more powerful server, it's more likely that you will manage a very popular website or even numerous websites, hence you'll have a lot more site visitors. By reason of this, the higher plan you order, the larger monthly traffic allowance you'll have. We'll notify you whenever you get to 90% of the amount, to make sure you have sufficient time to take action and either improve the plan or optimize your websites and lessen the site traffic that they generate before the counter resets the next month. If you decide to upgrade, this can be done through your billing Control Panel and with only a couple of clicks. In addition, you'll be able to keep track of how much site traffic your server has already generated and what amount is left until you get to your monthly restriction. This information is accessible in the VPS administration panel where you can also restart your server and view the application of all the other system resources for example HDD storage, CPU load and physical memory usage.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The monthly traffic quota that is featured with our dedicated server plans is sufficient for any kind of site regardless of its type. Your web applications can make terabytes of traffic, which guarantees that all of your website visitors will never see any sort of error message on your site due to not sufficient allowance the way it may happen with various other kinds of hosting. We also leave the possibility to upgrade the traffic amount open, but it's highly unlikely that you will ever need it even if you intend to run a file sharing web site or a video streaming portal. The server administration Control Panel provides you with correct live information how much data has been transferred for the month so far, and how much is left before you reach the restriction. We will also inform you if you get to 90% of the allowance so as to be on the safe side and avoid any downtime of your web sites. The data in this panel contains the entire traffic, including software downloads, so it's more precise than the one in your current website hosting Control Panel where you are able to see details only about the customers generated by web content.