Web Hosting Control Panel

Control your web sites with just a single click

It is now an easy task to acquire complete control over all your web sites with the next–generation Web Site Control Panel that we have developed for you with intuitiveness in mind. Handle all your files with smooth drag–and–drop movements, register, transfer and control multiple domains from one single location, set up email mailboxes in a flash, manage email marketing campaigns with ease, set up & access your own databases with just a click, check site stats real–time, etc.. Innovative features like a framework installer, a hotlink protection tool and an .htaccess generator are accessible as well.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Data Backups

Your website content could be retrieved anytime

Not a single website is guarded against hacker assaults. Your site might be affected even by unintentional website content deletion on your end. Still when using our data back–up copy solution, we can easily recover all your site content at any time. In addition to the routine server backups that we’re performing, you can yourself make manual back–up copies of all your web site content with just a click of the mouse through the File Manager, which is accessibly located in your Web Site Control Panel. Simply make a zipped archive of the directory(ies) you want to manually back up and place it in a location of your preference.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

We have deployed the newest cloud server technologies when building our own web hosting system, which is invulnerable to occasional performance interruptions and network outages. All of the services associated with your website such as DNSs, email messages, databases, applications, etcetera are dealt with by different web hosting servers so that even if there is an overload problem, your web site will still be running seamlessly.

True Cloud Platform

NVMe Drives

Your site will be faster with NVMe disks

All new desktop computers and laptop computers have NVMe disks and this is so for a reason. NVMe disks provide much faster read/write speeds, making everything significantly faster. The same will be valid for your web site suggested that you host it with idomainHOST – all the cloud web hosting machines are equipped with NVMe drives and all the websites hosted with us work significantly faster than those hosted on typical hard disk drives.

And the best of all is that you don’t have to change, fine–tune or configure anything whatsoever to make it load faster.

NVMe Drives

Web Stats

Keep track of your site 24–7 from your Control Panel

The Web Site Control Panel features a set of in–depth web statistic tools that will offer you in–depth info pertaining to your web sites. You will be able to monitor your web site’s traffic in more detail and find out absolutely everything pertaining to your visitors – what country they come from and what device and Internet browser they are using. You will be able to pick from among three stats tools – the famous AWStats and Webalizer tools and a new full–featured web analytics tool that we have developed with your tips and comments in mind.

Web Stats

VPN Access

Safe, private web surfing

In case, for whatever reason, you need to conceal your cyber footmark, we have an ideal solution for you. With each of our cloud web hosting plans, you’ll be able to get VPN access and have your entire inbound and outbound traffic re–sent through one of our VPN data centers. And you can use the very same Virtual Private Network settings on virtually any gadget that’s connected to the web – your desktop machine, your laptop, your cell phone, and so on.

VPN Access

Multiple Data Centers

Cloud web hosting services on three different continents

Our cloud web hosting network spreads across three continents – North America (the Colohouse data center in Chicago, US), Europe (UK Servers data center in Coventry, United Kingdom, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the S3 data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter in Sydney). As a result of this, no matter where you actually reside, you will be able to pick a datacenter that is close to your target visitors. In this way, you will warrant the fastest conceivable web site loading speeds for them. You can select your data center anytime with a single click on the order page.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Accelerators

Various tools to boost the loading speed of your websites

Within the Web Site Control Panel you’ll find different Web Accelerators designed to speed up your dynamic, database–powered sites. By caching web content, these software tools reduce the number of times a database is read and thus lower the server load. This helps your sites load faster and it will reduce the bounce rates. You’ll be able to choose from among a number of web accelerators – Varnish, Node.js and Memcached.

Web Accelerators