What is Moodle?

Provided that you represent an educational organization and also you need to make your instructional classes accessible online, then Moodle really should be your very first option. Moodle is a web teaching app that’s designed for instructors and lecturers, who would like to make their lessons available online.

Due to it’s distinctive target audience, Moodle was created to be convenient–to–use by both professor and also the pupil, in order to be more practical. That’s why you will find such a big community, specialized in designing themes and plugins that extend Moodle’s primary features.

Moodle is a registered trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not affiliated with idomainHOST.

E-School Cloud Web Hosting Services

If you administer an online course for pupils, your web site needs to be always available on the www, irrespective of how many individuals are seeing it concurrently. At idomainHOST you can buy special E-School cloud web hosting services with 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. Thus it doesn’t matter what will happen, your site will always remain online.

Every one of our E-School cloud web hosting packages also have unrestricted disk space, unlimited data traffic and unlimited MySQL storage. To kick–start your educational website, we furthermore give you a totally free domain name registration or domain transfer. Also, we are going to set up Moodle for your website the minute you register. This way, once you log in within your control panel, you’ll have your Moodle web site already available on the web, awaiting you.

A Point & Click Web Site Control Panel

In order to make the administration of your Moodle educative website easier, we have crafted our own specialized Web Site Control Panel. It’s offered in over 10 languages and consolidates website administration and domain management in one place. It’s also built to live completely within the cloud and gives quickness and security far better than the ones offered by many other control panels.

Our Control Panel is brimming with completely free instruments and bonuses. With our E-School cloud web hosting plan, you can get Moodle set up by default. Using the control panel, you can easily install any single one of more than 40 prominent apps such as Joomla and Wordpress with no setup needed, due to idomainHOST’s Applications Installer. In addition, you have available our Web Accelerators to significantly hasten up your web sites. Our Web Stats Manager will begin working automatically, without the need to insert any sort of tracking code to your websites.