If you'd like to keep some content hidden from the public eye, you can enable password protection for a specific folder - either the main site folder or a different one below it. Whenever this option is enabled, a pop-up shall appear each and every time anyone attempts to open the folder in question or clicks on a direct link that goes a few levels deeper, so login details shall be required for www.domain.com/folder/image.jpg if you have secured the domain.com folder. In case the details are not valid, a “403 Forbidden” message will appear and there is no way to get around this restriction, so you can be sure that no one shall be able access the secured content. The feature may be helpful in numerous situations - if only a few people must be able to see particular files, if you are creating an Internet site and you don't want people to see it before it is completed, and so forth.

Password Protected Directories in Cloud Web Hosting

Creating a password-protected area will take only several mouse clicks and a few seconds if you host your websites inside a cloud web hosting account with our company. You won't need to do anything difficult - you will have to pick a domain/subdomain, to choose which folder under it should be secured, and then to type in the login name and password that will be used to access that folder. If a number of people require their own login credentials, there will not be a problem to make a number of different usernames with access to the very same folder. All protected folders shall appear with a padlock icon inside the File Manager section, so you will always know where this option is active. If you would like to turn off the security feature for any folder, you can disable it from the same exact section of the CP in which you have enabled it.

Password Protected Directories in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You shall be able to create password protection for any content which you have inside your semi-dedicated server account. We have added an easy-to-use tool to the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel through which you will be able to enable the feature with several clicks and with no difficulties, even if you are not really tech-savvy. You will only need to choose the hostname (domain or subdomain), the specific folder that has to be secured (the main folder or a subfolder) and the login name and password. The protection shall take effect instantaneously, so if you make an effort to open the password-protected URL in your browser, you'll have to enter the newly created login details in order to proceed. You will also be able to give different usernames for the same folder to a number of people, so you'll not have to share the same login details with everybody. Any password-protected folder will have a little padlock icon in the File Manager section, so you shall be able to recognize this kind of folders effortlessly.