Linux is an Operating System, that isn't that widely used for desktop machines, but is one of the most widely used OSs for servers. It is free of charge, so you shall not need to pay any license costs as part of your website hosting payments. Linux is furthermore regarded as being the most reliable OS around and thanks to the permissions that files have and also the file types that can be run, virus files that may infect a standard PC will simply not be executed on a Linux-based hosting server. Moreover, the OS is 100 % free, so it can be customized with no limits, so as to suit the requirements of the website hosting company and their customers. This also means that unneeded software packages can easily be removed to make the Operating system lighter and much faster, which could directly lead to far better hosting server performance. Many Linux machines have the Apache web server set up on them, as this piece of software is also free, quick and reliable. It is the most widely used web server around and is part of the LAMP bundle that a lot of script apps, including Joomla and WordPress, need. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Web Hosting

All cloud web hosting accounts bought through our company are created on very efficient machines running Linux, so you can take full advantage of our swift and reliable web hosting services irrespective of the plan that you’ve chosen during the signup process. In addition, we use an advanced cloud platform, so in lieu of running everything on one web server as most companies do, we have distributed every single service (files, email messages, databases, etc.) among groups of machines. The results of using this type of a setup with Linux-powered web servers is virtually no downtime, so you can get the most out of your sites. Additionally, we use the Apache web server, simply because this piece of software provides us with the speed and adaptability required to provide a premium hosting service on our custom cloud platform. Any of our shared hosting solutions will enable you to run almost any type of website created with almost any web programming language – HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, etcetera.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are created on a cutting-edge specialized platform. An independent group of web servers is in charge of each and every service - databases, e-mails, files, etcetera., and given that we highly treasure the positive aspects of a custom-made, secure and dependable OS, all the machines that comprise the groups run Linux. The OS allows us to make the necessary changes, not to mention the raised speed, as only 1 type of process runs on the hosting server, unlike the conventional hosting platform offered by most companies where everything runs on one hosting server. Furthermore, we use the Apache web server too. We've tested its abilities over time, so we have confirmed that it could give us as a provider and you as a customer the needed speed and adaptability for the best achievable web site performance.