What is vTiger?

The vTiger CRM application offers a complete incorporation with your business. It is readily available without charge, providing capabilities which are only available in the paid products of rival CRM apps, for example SugarCRM or Salesforce.

The vTiger CRM web application is accessible in over 15 languages. It includes sales automation (products, quotes, billing), customer care functions, stock administration, research and reporting, plus much more. It has got extensions for common e–mail clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, Gmail). What is more, vTiger CRM has full–fledged mobile apps – it’s easy to command your business from your tablet computer or, maybe your smart phone.

vTiger is a trademark of Vtiger Systems India Private Limited and shares no connection with idomainHOST.

vTiger–Optimized Cloud Web Hosting Services

Using the vTiger cloud web hosting service, you can get your CRM web app installed in the blink of an eye. Just select vTiger from the app drop–down navigation menu on the signup form and we’ll deploy your vTiger copy while setting up your hosting account. In this way you can begin automating your key business tasks immediately after the signup procedure has been finished.

Every vTiger cloud web hosting bundle is set up for you totally free and features a 99.9% server uptime warranty. At idomainHOST we provide a 24x7 support service, and if you are not satisfied with the quality for any reason whatsoever, you should be aware of the 30–day money–back warranty.

A Point & Click Web Site Control Panel

For our vTiger cloud web hosting packages, we have designed a new control panel, made by us to fit the requirements of our customers and also to function properly with the highly customized cloud web hosting platform. By reason of this, the Web Site Control Panel functions a lot quicker and it’s also more secure compared with all other hosting control panels.

In our control panel you will find lots of 100% free software instruments and bonuses which can help you for your web site. You can employ the Web Stats tool, which starts operating as soon as your site goes on the Internet, zero configuration required. You should use our Sitemap generator to promptly generate a new sitemap for your web site with merely a click of the mouse. You can employ our collection of Web Accelerators to tremendously boost your website.